Using our expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we, at Digital Strings, improve the visibility of our client’s websites on organic search engine result pages (SERPs) by incorporating search engine friendly elements and practices into a website.
An efficient search engine optimization campaign will have carefully selected keywords being optimized to make them more prominent for search engine algorithms. Search engine optimization is broken down into two basic areas: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization refers to website elements which comprise a web page like HTML code, text and images, tags, etc. Off-page optimization refers to generating backlinks through various sources by disseminating your content.
Have you ever tried performing a keyword search which is specific to your business? Do you find your business appearing at the top of the results? It’s annoying to scroll down so many times until you finally find your business. Your customers will definitely not have the patience or time to do that.